Tutoring Schedule - get those grades up and prep for the Regents!!! The end of the school year is approaching and if your child is failing one or more classes and/or needs to prepare for a Regent Exam in June they should attend after school tutoring. Below is the schedule:
Student-Led Conferences are Thursday and Friday Not sure where to go? Use this zoom link to get help https://zoom.us/j/94932252116?pwd=dGdCaHZxMUZuRGtyUjhNSDhWZ2wwUT09
No after school programming Thursday 3/21 or Friday 3/22 Student Led Conferences will be taking place instead!
Our online fundraiser auction is LIVE! Bid on weekends away in the Catskills and Poconos, art, books, and more! We'll be adding more items until bidding closes at 8 pm on Wednesday evening.
Complete your Family Learning Environment Survey Today!!! The advisory with the most submitted surveys will get a lunch of their choosing!