Current and Prospective Families » Current and Prospective Families » Attendance at Maker

Attendance at Maker

Your child's attendance at Maker is very important. Being in school helps with academic success, access to internships, and engagement in school community.
The Department of Education Policy:
  • Schools must take attendance to show whether a student is in school or not; it’s the law.
  • Schools mark a student as P for present or A for absent.
  • There is no general remote learning option this year. If your child is learning remotely because they either have been asked to quarantine or are enrolled in medically necessary instruction, your child will be flagged as “learning remotely” in the DOE’s attendance system.
  • While schools can mark an absence as “excused” for religious reasons, illness, or some other reasons, the excused absence is still an absence and must be part of the student’s record.
  • Schools must tell families when students are absent or late. They will make a positive call or outreach home. Does your school have the right information to contact you? Update your child’s NYCSA account with your current contact information.

What’s To Come!

Rolling out our UA Maker Incentive Plan!

Great attendance is rewarded at UA Maker. To celebrate our students with 90% attendance and above, we have created an incentive plan to reward them. Examples of our incentive plan include:

For 90% attendance and above and students who show improvement each month: 


Trips on Wednesday Afternoon!

Every month we will celebrating great attendance by offering trips on Wednesday afternoons. Students with over 90% attendance can choose 1 trip a month to go.


Our past trips include:

Ice Skating at Bryant Park

Ferox Gym Trampoline Gym


Poster House Museum

Upcoming Events:

Maker Raffle! Students with over 90% attendance have a chance to win swag that includes sweatshirts, tee shirts, sunglasses and gift cards!