Work-Based Learning
What is work-based learning?
Work-based learning or WBL is a required part of the NY State Career and Technical Education Program at Maker. Students who receive their CTE credential do at least 54 hours of work-based learning activities including mentoring, job shadows, internships, on-site projects, and more.
How do I find out about work-based learning opportunities?
On our website, under Student Life, or via our school newsletters. You can also check in with our partnership coordinator, Melissa Giroux, or our work-based learning coordinator, Gerry Irizarry.
You can see lots of examples on our instagram page, @uamakesthefuture.
This semester, we are working with Gotham Park on a project you can learn more about on their website.
We also worked on projects with FIT Interior Design teams, Ronald Draper Art, and more!