UA Maker welcomes all students, including Advanced and Accelerated students who have taken and passed Regents exams in middle school, English Language Learners and students with disabilities who have Individual Education Plans (IEPs) that recommend programs or placement in a community school. We work with your child to develop an appropriate, personalized educational plan that will suit their needs academically, socially, and emotionally.
In New York City, students must apply to attend a public high school. Each fall, eighth grade students must submit an application listing up to 12 programs ranked in order of preference. Applicants are then matched to one of their ranked schools according to admissions priority, method, and available seats. Round 1 results are available in March.
We are an Educational Optional School -- this means we do not look at student grades, portfolios, or recommendations letters to determine who is accepted. It is wonderful if you may have already developed these items, and we would love to review them once you are a student of ours! We’re open to all New York City students. If you are excited to attend Maker Academy, you should rank us near the top of your application. The NYCDOE placement algorithm makes the determination of who is matched to us; we have no input into that process.
Family Welcome Centers: NYC High School Admissions Process Information