Current and Prospective Families » Current and Prospective Families » Parent Teacher Association

Parent Teacher Association

Welcome to Urban Assembly Maker Academy's
Parent Teacher Association!

Thanks to those of you who joined us at the June meeting!

Please welcome our PTA Executive Committee for the 2024-2025 School Year:

Ines Collazo and Michelle Moore, Co-Presidents

JD Davids, Secretary

Owen Evans, Treasurer


The next meeting of your PTA is tentatively scheduled for

Wednesday, September 11th at 6pm

All meetings of the UA Maker Academy Parent Teacher Association (PTA) are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm. Please plan to join us on June 5th to learn how to be more involved with the Urban Assembly Maker community. 
If you'd like to volunteer with the PTA, please fill out this form. We'll get back to you soon. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to us at here anytime with ideas or questions.
Please consider donating!


The PTA appreciates dues and contributions to help us support the students and the school in building a stronger Maker Community. The payment of dues is not a condition for participation or membership; however, we ask each member to consider making a voluntary donation of $20 or more.
PTA Membership is open to all teachers, paraprofessionals, school aides, school secretaries, and food service workers currently employed at Urban Assembly Maker Academy, as well as any person in a parental or custodial relationship to a Maker student, including birth parents, adoptive parents, foster parents, stepparents, legally appointed guardians, or persons in parental relationship.
Thanks for being a part of the Maker Community!
With a PayPal account, you can donate using the QR code above


We are excited about sharing some of the great activities and events we have planned ahead, as well as providing you with useful resources. Minutes from previous PTA meetings are available below. Make sure to scroll down to the bottom of this letter so you don’t miss any important information.
The PTA is run by volunteer parents who organize meetings, schedule speakers, plan community activities, and host fundraisers for the UA Maker community. One of the main objectives of the PTA is to raise much needed funds to bridge the gap between what the DOE provides and the enrichment and resources that our students deserve. Our calendar will be filled with fabulous events, which may include:
  • Parent-student engagement activities
  • Parent-student involvement workshops
  • Friendly competition
  • Financial Literacy Seminars
  • School Camaraderie Events
  • Establishing community partnerships
  • Guest speakers
  • Potlucks
  • Career Fairs & Workshops
  • Fundraisers - UA Maker Merchandise sales, Bake sales, Book and Novelty sales, Raffles, Online auctions and fundraisers
  • Chances to win tickets to arts, theater and comedy performances


In community,

Ines Collazo & Tamika Henderickson, Co-Presidents

Erika Colon & JD Davids, Co-Vice Presidents

Carlie Steen, Secretary

Allison Malcolm Carroll, Treasurer



Email us any time at [email protected].







The Urban Assembly Maker Academy

411 Pearl Street

New York, NY 10038

Directions by train/Cómo llegar en tren:

2, 3 to Fulton Street

A, C to Fulton Street

4, 5, 6 to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall

J, Z to Chambers Street